Monday, July 27, 2009

Hey! I did it!

Last week, I knew the husband's dreaded graveyard shift weekend was coming up! I hate his weekend graveyard shift! I don't let the kids go to bed too late because he gets home at around 7am ish and they have to get up because he sleeps downstairs in one of the girls beds. I drive myself crazy with every noise made whether it be big or small, thinking this will wake the husband and make him grouchy....yeah right, cause waking up happy from graveyard shift has happened so so so often! So I make it my obligation to be out of the house (preferably with fun activities to do) as much as possible so that he will not be disturbed. The husband, however, tells me not to worry about it and has explained to me that sometimes he sleeps like a log and doesn't hear a thing and other times when I am not even at the house he hasn't slept a wink! Sleeping during the day just isn't a natural thing for some people or I should say MOST people! Speaking from personal experience, I was only ever able to sleep 4 hours and would have a nap around 10pm before going back to work! ...I so do not miss working in hospitals! So knowing his lovely graveyard-shift-weekend was coming up I came up with the idea of going to our cabin alone with the kids for the 1st time. I asked the husband what he thought of this and he said he loved the idea...I wanted him to be clear, was "loving the idea" because he would be alone and at peace for the weekend and he said "no, I love the fact that you would want to go out there alone". Oh great, that is a good reason! So friday morning off I went, 4 hours drive to our cabin, knowing all the neighbors would be there or I never would have gone! It was great! The kids had fun, went to bed late and slept until almost 8:30 9ish. Got to see a fireworks show cause the neighbor had brought a box. I am very proud of myself! I remembered all the important things, turning on the propane and how to make a fire and and understanding certain new noises over my head mean that there are squirrels in the attick and telling the husband to bring poison up on his next visit up there.

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